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Energy and Fitness

Sagging Energy? Need a Lift in the Fitness Department?

Three ‘must haves’ in an energy drink:

The only energy drink with 0 calories and 0 sugars, this effervescent energy booster will not only revitalize your body, but also shift your mind into high gear – gently – without the highs and lows associated with the typical energy drink.

The only energy drink with a blend of Panax ginseng and Gingko biloba to help improve mental performance.

The only energy drink with a higher than 100% RDI for vitamins B6 and B12 to enhance energy production, plus 100% RDI of vitamin C for extra nutrition.

Whether you choose Orange or Lemon-Lime, you get a proprietary energy blend of taurine, guarana, caffeine, Panax ginseng, and Gingko biloba. Bubbly. Fun. Invigorating. Energizing. Focusing. FIZZ. FOCUS. FUEL UP. What are you waiting for?

Energy Drink from the Amazon Rain Forest

Guarana tea makes the perfect energy drink for an instant natural boost Millions of Brazillians have long been using guarana as a daily invigorating tonic.

The seeds from the guarana fruit are extremely high in guaranine, a substance siminar to caffeine, and have been used worldwide for decades in energy drinks and soft drinks, as well as supplements promoting the enhancement of mental performance and energy levels.

Targeted Protein Drink to Build Muscle Mass for Extra Fitness

If you can’t build muscle mass to your satisfaction no matter what fitness program you try, maybe you need to take another look at the nutrition you are getting, specifically the protein and energy-boosting enhancers. A high-quality protein drink containing natural performance enhancers plus a premium blend of energy-boosting herbs will provide the extra nutrition needed to help build muscle mass.